Green Mountain CF is not your typical gym. You won’t find any treadmills, mirrors, televisions, or isolating weight machines. What you WILL find is a great community of people working to better themselves. We pride ourselves in making everyone feel welcome and meeting them where they’re at. People of all ages and abilities call Green Mountain CF home and it is here you will find friends to last a lifetime and support to keep you coming back for more.

Green Mountain CrossFit is not your typical gym. You won’t find any treadmills, mirrors, televisions, or isolating weight machines. What you WILL find is a great community of people working to better themselves. We pride ourselves in making everyone feel welcome and meeting them where they’re at. People of all ages and abilities call Green Mountain CrossFit home and it is here you will find friends to last a lifetime and support to keep you coming back for more.

Click here to learn more about our programming philosophy!