2023 Vermonster Challenge

Vermont’s oldest team CrossFit competition is back for yet another weekend full of fitness, fun, & friends! This four-person team competition is designed to test athletes of all skill and experience levels, so get your three best WOD buddies together and figure out which division is right for you!

Vermont’s oldest team CrossFit competition is back for yet another weekend full of fitness, fun, & friends! This four-person team competition is designed to test athletes of all skill and experience levels, so get your three best WOD buddies together and figure out which division is right for you!

Event information:

September 23-24, 2023

Open Division: Saturday & Sunday
Rec Division: Saturday
Masters Division: Sunday

Cost: $320 (Rec & Masters)
$420 (Open)

T-shirt deadline: September 10, 2023



Each workout will still be structured around two different tiers of load/work (ex: back squats at 135/95) but those will not be attached to gender identity. Two athletes on each team will compete at the higher load level, and two athletes will compete at the lower load level. The team will declare to their judge which athletes will be competing at which load level at the beginning of each workout. This designation can change from workout to workout: teams are empowered to choose the appropriate athlete, regardless of gender identity or expression, to complete each type of movement.

We expect that all of our athletes and teams will compete with integrity, and recognize the spirit of inclusivity and FUN that we are hoping to maintain with the return of this awesome event. We encourage folks who have additional questions to reach out to us directly, in the interest of continuing to grow and progress as our community expands!


Open: The Open Division is designed for intermediate to advanced level athletes who would consider themselves good candidates to compete in the CrossFit Open. If you have successfully completed a full season of Open workouts in the Rx division you will be at home in this category. There will be a minimum of 6 workouts that have no advanced gymnastics (HSPUs, Muscle-ups, Pistols) or prohibitive weights. Top teams will get a final workout where anything goes for movements & weights.

Rec: The Rec Division is for beginner to intermediate athletes who would feel at home doing the scaled version of the CrossFit Open. These are athletes who have good fundamental CrossFit skills but may not have more difficult movements like double-unders, squat snatches or unscaled pull-ups. All Rec. teams will get a minimum of 3 workouts for the day.

Masters: The Masters Division is designed for the age 40+ intermediate to advanced level athletes who would consider themselves good candidates to compete in the CrossFit Open. If you have successfully completed a full season of Open workouts in the Rx division you will be at home in this category. There will be a minimum of 3 workouts that have no advanced gymnastics (HSPUs, muscle-ups, pistols) or prohibitive weights.