Aquatics Area Open

Photo courtesy Jeb Wallace-Brodeur

On August 16th at 10:00 AM, GMCF officially reopened its newly renovated Aquatics Area. Read Executive Director Cady Hart-Petterssen’s remarks on the occasion below:

Good morning! My name is Cady and I am a Co-Owner of The Confluence and the Executive Director of Green Mountain Community Fitness. Thank you so much for being here with us.
Today we gather to celebrate this momentous occasion – the grand reopening of the GMCF Aquatics Facility!
For those of you who have been around to witness the transformation, I am certain you will agree, the change is astonishing. Personally, I have to keep looking back at the photos from before to recall what we used to accept as our normal.
The magnitude of this change is overwhelming. When we set out at the beginning, we projected a 7+ week timeline. (we are an optimistic bunch!) As time marched on we realized, if we wanted to do it right, it was going to need a little extra time. And, standing here today, it was well worth the extra time.
I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to recognize the individuals who moved mountains for this project to come to fruition.
To my partner in this fulfilling adventure, Nick, I know from the first step we took into this area of the building way back almost 5 years ago, when owning this building was a wee consideration, you had the vision of what this area could be for our community. AND when we were told on our first tour that this space would probably be less of a headache if we just filled it up with concrete, you were thinking the complete opposite!
To our Big Surface Guy, Gary. Who, once again was willing to do a complete about face on his normal day to day work at GMCF to infuse his creativity and innovation into the very structure we are looking at. Gary, you have not only enhanced the aesthetic appeal of this area of the building to match the rest, but you have also ensured that it is functional and accessible to everyone in our community.
To our Building Manager, or should I say Wizard, Tom whose tireless efforts and remarkable expertise guided and will continue to guide us through the, how should I say, complexities of this renovation. Your commitment to excellence has transformed our vision into reality, ensuring every detail is damn near perfect and the facility meets the height of our standards.
To our Operations Director, Megan. Your awareness and wisdom to continue to lead the rest of our team of staff and coaches to maintain the highest quality offerings within the other GMCF walls day after day is something I have tremendous appreciation for. Your understanding of the needs of our community (staff and members) allowed us to strive for the best possible communication strategies throughout the project.
To our Fitness champion, Zach. Through this project you have shown me your progress in a really valuable skill of fitness – flexibility. In every sense of the word, I appreciate your ability to adapt and manage, basically everything that was needed to keep GMCF moving forward. From developing a dryland fitness program for those swimmers that were without their main source of exercise, to leading team meetings in my absence, to orchestrating the details on The Vermonster, our upcoming CrossFit event, completely separate from this project, yet valuable to GMCF.
A very special recognition of our newest Leadership team member, Steve. Without you, NONE of this would be happening. You, joining our team has been the very best thing for our ability to recognize, see, and create any of the things we are able to offer through our Aquatics program. Our swimming community is so lucky to have your attention, knowledge, passions, and leadership centered on them.
Beyond our leadership team, this project impacted every single staff member of GMCF. Our Operations team who constantly answered members’ questions and concerns with grace. Our coaches who gratefully picked up SO MANY extra classes. Our Aquatics team members who’s work was either displaced – either removed or relocated to a place with no water even – and done so, I believe with the fuel of excitement!
Our membership is also largely worth the utmost recognition. The last 12 weeks have been a full on construction zone. Loud noises billowing up the back hallway stairs mixing with the calming music of our Fire Studio Yoga classes. The stolen fans from the Wind Studio leaving the Rowing and Ergon workouts to be extra sweaty experiences. The faint scent of, well, who the heck knows, on any given day running through the lobby hallways. Our members, whether connected to the Aquatics programming or not, had to manage these 12 weeks with us and they did. And we are grateful to them for hanging with us.
This was a 100% GMCF team effort. In fact, even the contractors and businesses that we partnered with and leaned on outside of our walls, those connections were through our own GMCF members. Funding from Community National Bank, the beautiful tile in our hot tub, are just two examples. Thank you!
I’d like to recognize our local government officials who have joined us today. You being here shows your support and commitment to GMCF and we thank you for that. Your understanding of the importance of recreational spaces in our community has a substantial impact on the ability to give to our community.
As we look ahead, let us always remember the legacy of GMCF Aquatics. This facility has been a cornerstone of our community for some time, serving countless individuals and families. From Swim lessons for our youngest members to advanced training for our competitive swimmers to the dedicated group of aqua aerobics participants.
The reopening of the GMCF Aquatics facility represents a new chapter in our story – a chapter rich with potential. With improved amenities, expanded programming and a renewed focus on quality community engagement, we are poised to offer even more to Central Vermont. Whether you are a seasoned swimmer, a newcomer to the water, or someone looking for a family-friendly space, I encourage you to take full advantage of all that we are proud to offer.
As we reopen these doors, let us honor the collective effort that has brought us here.
GMCF is not just a business; it is a nearly 15 year old thriving heart for so many people in Central Vermont that just keeps getting stronger. Our commitment to our community fuels everything that we do, and we are proud to be a source of support, inspiration and growth for those we serve.
Thank you all for being here, for your support and for your spirit.
As Steve might say,
Please enjoy the facilities and we hope you are ready to dive into this next chapter together!