Dear Green Mountain CrossFit Community,
For 15 years we have participated in the global “sport of fitness” competition known as the CrossFit Open. Throughout these years we have witnessed remarkable improvements in our training, the incredible progress of our athletes, and the skyrocketing popularity of this methodology called CrossFit – Constantly Varied, Functional Movement, performed at High Intensity. The Open has provided many of us with a chance to mark our progress, test our limits and embrace the discomfort that leads to growth. And as we’ve come to know, that growth happens on so many more levels than just raw strength or capacity. It’s literally where the phrase ‘Everyday Stronger’ was born.
This in-house competition has always brought us together. It creates the stage, with a spotlight on all of our gym buddies, allowing us to support and motivate one another as we tackle challenging workouts and hold ourselves to the standards. We celebrate our achievements, push beyond our perceived limits, and survive together. These shared moments connect us, regardless of age, race, gender, occupation, political beliefs or income bracket.
However, it is with great disappointment that I share the recent changes made to the participation policies outlined in CrossFit Open Rulebook recently released by CrossFit HQ. They have replaced a policy, once a powerful precedent for inclusivity and acceptance, with one that excludes transgender individuals from participating in the CrossFit Open as their authentic selves, a move that directly contradicts the core values of Green Mountain CrossFit and violates the basic code of conduct at Green Mountain Community Fitness as a whole.
On Wednesday January 15th, I wrote an email directly to [email protected] to advocate for change, but unfortunately I have not received a response. To fully understand the context of this communication it is important that you first read that message here.
On Thursday, our team met with leaders of CrossFit Burlington, Beacon Community Fitness and Waterbury Functional Fitness to share sentiments and brainstorm ways we feel comfortable moving forward. Together, we are pushing back against the policy and trying hard to make our voices heard. We are united in our message: inclusivity and acceptance are essential to the integrity of our sport and community. Together, we can advocate for policies that reflect the diversity and strength of the CrossFit community.
The management team at GMCF has decided to approach this Open season in a way that reflects our commitment to inclusivity. We have decided not to financially contribute at all to the CrossFit Open competition and will not be encouraging our members to pay anything towards CrossFit, LLC either. We will, however, continue to create a friendly competitive environment that welcomes and supports ALL of our members. We’ve done this before and it was a blast! We call it Squadapalooza!
An opportunity to test your fitness and have some fun alongside your fellow members by completing one workout a week for 4 Weeks. We will release the workout on Thursday and then you can join us for Friday Night Lights at 5pm on each Friday to complete it with the option to also do the workout in our regular group classes on Monday as well.
The competition is both individual and a team competition, but don’t worry it is a GMCF-style, friendly competition with prizes for performance and also spirit. Each week you will choose the most challenging version of the workout that you can safely complete to be included in your team’s score.
For the first 3 weeks we will utilize the CrossFit Open workouts but tailor the experience to our gym. The 4th week will be a surprise! Everyone is welcome to participate, whether or not they are registered with CrossFit HQ.
Stay tuned for more information.
Thank you for being a vital part of our community. Together, we will continue to uphold the values that make Green Mountain Community Fitness a place where everyone feels respected and included. Isn’t that what community is all about?
Everyday Stronger,
The OUT Foundation’s mission is to remove the barriers that block LGBTQ+ individuals from access and participation in fitness, health, and wellness, ensuring their success.